
10 Reasons Why You Should Start a Gutter Protection Business

 10 Reasons Why You Should Start a Gutter Protection Business


The gutters on your house play an important role in helping your home stay watertight and protecting your foundation from eroding over time. Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t realize this until they experience an extreme rainstorm that washes mud and debris into their gutters, or until their gutters are so clogged with leaves and twigs that rainwater backs up and starts pouring down the side of their house. Don’t let that happen to you – start a gutter protection business today! (16) Here are 10 reasons why you should start a gutter protection business.

1) Weather conditions affect gutters

Rain, snow, wind, leaves and other debris are factors that affect your gutters and make them more prone to being clogged. Most property owners aren’t able to clean their gutters on a regular basis which makes it almost impossible for them to avoid damage in the long run. If you have any experience with DIY or business-related tasks, then it might be a good idea for you to start looking into starting up your own gutter protection business. The following are 10 reasons why you should consider doing so


2) The older your roof, the more likely it is to have problems

The older your roof, typically, or even shingles on your roof get worn out. If you are planning to sell your home in five years or less, then you might want to avoid putting money into replacing your roof – which can cost up to $2,000 or more. But if you’re looking for ways to make some extra cash on weekends and need something that won’t require an advanced degree (besides an associate’s), then we have some good news for you. It is possible to start a gutter protection business. It will not make you rich, but it could bring in enough money so that you can use it as an extra source of income while working another job during weekdays. Here are 10 reasons why you should start a gutter protection business


3) Rain in summer can be damaging

Did you know that rain in summer can be damaging? Rain causes over $1 billion of damage to homes each year, and many homeowners are unaware of how fragile their gutters really are. It’s time for you to start a gutter protection business to help protect homeowners from water damage. Here are 10 reasons why you should start a gutter protection business


4) Gutters protect you from ice dams

Ice dams form when snow collects at your roof’s edge and refreezes. Ice will build up in layers, and when it melts, that melting snow can seep into your home through cracks in shingles or gaps between siding and trim. Gutters hold back falling rain so water doesn’t pool at your foundation. Plus, they help deflect wind-driven ice away from your house to begin with. That means you won’t have to worry about costly repairs due to damage caused by ice dams. And if you do get an ice dam, gutter protection systems are designed to catch any buildup before it reaches your roofline.


5) Gutters are expensive

Gutters are an essential part of your home that protect it from rain, snow, sleet and hail. They also prevent any excess water from flooding your basement or spilling over into your yard. However, with regular use, gutters can become clogged with debris and simply need to be cleaned out and maintained. If you want to know how to start a gutter protection business then you’ve come to the right place! Here’s how… The average cost of installing new gutters is around $3,000 – $5,000 per home. That’s a lot of money that most homeowners would rather not spend on something they don’t think about all too often. That’s where you come in!


6) There are many ways to make money with gutters

some are scams, some are outdated and some won’t work for everyone. But there is one way to make money with gutters that works for anyone: selling gutter protection systems. This is why I believe that anyone thinking about starting a gutter protection business should consider offering gutter protection instead of selling gutters. Here’s why. . . .

In summary, when you look at how many ways you can make money with gutters, it’s pretty clear that if you want to start a gutter protection business and really be able to take care of your customers needs in every aspect (both long term and short term), then protecting their gutters from damage is going to be your best bet. And if you follow these guidelines above, I guarantee your chances of success will increase dramatically!


7) We can always use more rain barrels

Rain barrels are used to collect rainwater from rooftops, and they can be used to water gardens or wash cars. Consider selling rain barrels door-to-door or at local events. Depending on your location, you might want to consider selling them online as well; Amazon is always willing to help out budding entrepreneurs!


8) Professional results

Many companies are realizing that they can’t find enough quality technicians to perform their gutter protection services. That’s where you come in! With a business like yours, you have complete control over what kind of work you do and how much of it you take on. As demand for gutter protection increases, so will your ability to provide reliable, professional results for your clients.


9) Commercial gutters require experts too

If you’re thinking of starting your own gutter-protection business, consider that commercial gutters require different techniques than residential gutters. Fortunately, you can take on jobs with high returns and still keep your costs low by using our gutter protection products. These are just some of the reasons why you should consider opening your own gutter protection business. Contact us today to learn more about our products!


10) Improve curb appeal with colored gutters

Sure, you can paint your house whatever color you want. But why not give it some much-needed curb appeal by adding colored gutters? Most people recognize an old brown house that’s been painted white as new and improved. If your customers are looking to their gutters to do the same, they should look at colored gutters. Colored gutters have become increasingly popular in recent years. They add a touch of class and sophistication to any home or business. And, if you own a gutter protection business, they’re also an easy way for you to drum up new business! Gutters are an essential part of any roofing system. They help prevent water from damaging your foundation and other parts of your home or business, which is why keeping them clean is so important. Gutters are just one part of what we call a gutter system—which includes everything from downspouts to roof drains.

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